There may be a lot of green outside during the Summer, such as the grass and the leaves on the trees, but it's very hard to see those beautiful things when you're cooped up in a University classroom staring at old professors and taking notes on otherwise boring material. However, this is my reality. As such, I must unfortunately place a hold on my blogging about green things until the current quarter is over. Rest assured that once I have finished taking all of my finals, I will be back in full swing. Until then, thank you so much for reading, and once I post again I will be making an important announcement. I will still be able to receive comments on my posts and will most likely respond to those, so take a look at the archives if you're new with us.
Thank you again & see you in late September.
~ The Green Blog
We will continue to post and share and uplift and edify in your stead until you return in late September...I'm looking up ideas as we speak. Do well in school and then do well in life...change the world....
be+cause is independently owned and operated by Erin & Deyden as a division of C3 Lab (www.c3lab.com), a consulting company they founded in 2003 to engage the creative communities, young people, and others in important causes.
HERO 1 is a special edition series of T-shirts by artists Asif Mian (EVaQ), David Ellis / Kiku Yamaguchi, and Yuri Shimojo—members of the Barnstormers. Each artist interpreted one of three heroic figures and moments in time: Muhammad Ali, the “Unknown Rebel” of Tiananmen Square, and Rosa Parks. A percentage of proceeds of each shirt will benefit three organizations that work tirelessly in the fields of human rights, youth activism, and environment: ACORN and Southern Poverty Law Center, each earmarked for Katrina relief, and Students for a Free Tibet.
Thought this was interesting...haven't made a purchase yet. The Ali T-shirt is way cool. The T-shirts are selling now for $14.00. Anyway, for anyone interested in clothing AND good causes...
You have done a very good job with this blog so far. I can't wait to read future posts from you.
You have done a very good job with this blog so far. I can't wait to read future posts from you.
I think that advocating use of public transit is super important. I mean check out public routes . They just launched a great tool for people to provide transit directions from their own website/small business free transit directions
Anyone have ideas on how to spread the word?
Hey can you believe Chicago is number one on this list of top green cities? http://forum.skyscraperpage.com/showthread.php?p=3225220 This article talks about the greenest cites. www.earthlab.com put together this list; it is a sample of like over a million people. I took my personal carbon test and blew the national average out of the water! I took some of their pledges too so I will be getting further and further below the average. It feels good being one of the people helping to lower my cities average rather than raising it, and I think all people can contribute if they take a pledge or two.
Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é http://www.provedorcrescenet.com . Um abraço.
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