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Thursday, January 3, 2008

Here's Hoping for a Greener 2008

I would say that I have been a bit busy lately, but that primarily functions as the understatement of the year 2007. This post will hopefully allow for me to revitalize this blog that has been a learning tool for me mostly, but apparently for others as well.

It was appropriate that the NYC new year party was done the way it was (the ball was covered completely in energy efficient light). Never before has our nation entered a year more equipped to handle the dedication it takes to live green. When I say "live green" I don't mean that you have to be perfectly carbon neutral. While possible for some , I certainly don't claim the ability to do that right now...maybe someday, but not today.

By "live green" I mean make a change. A change in the way you live your life that benefits not only the planet but your world as well. There is an inner sense of peace and guiltlessness that accompanies green actions. Let's face it, it feels good to be green. I once walked 6 flights of stairs passing several trash cans to recycle a simple 20 oz. plastic bottle. That may not seem like a big deal to some, but it was for me. I obviously haven't forgotten the way I felt that day. That one action inspired me to do it repeatedly until it became habitual. Now, I don't walk the 6 flights every time, but I always recycle those bottles when I am done with them. And so can you.

So I suppose that this year I will make an increased effort to not only maintain The Green Blog once again, but to maintain the green lifestyle. I will make a Green Truce with myself. A kind of peace treaty within. And while that truce may be tailored to each of us individually, I encourage you to do the same as me. Here's to a greener 2008 for us all!

"No one wins by chance alone. If they do, they're not winners, just lucky. I'd rather lose a thousand contests giving my all to the cause, and in so doing feel a winner, than to easily win by accident, and in so doing feel a failure." - ESB


The Katzbox said...


I feel so much more "on board" for the year 2008. We have set up a small recycling thang in our kitchen for aluminum and plastic...with a few finishing touches, and a trip to Home Depot, we'll have our containers handy and be on our way. We've already transitioned many of the lightbulbs to the green bulbs and you're right...IT FEELS GOOD.

Gotta love the earth...thanks for returning...

The Green Blog said...

Doesn't it?! Good work, Katzbox!

Anonymous said...

I like the idea of a Green Truce. Glad you're back.

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