And the forecast is good. The biggest, and prbobably the most substantial figure is simply the annual projected revenue growth. In 2005 the expected revenue was to be 74% more than in 2004. In 2006 it was projected to be 77% greater than 2005, and now 2007 is projected to be 83% higher than 2006 profits.
The report also indicates that governments on every level from federal to local will be a key factor in furthering the industry. It also suggests that these governments in general are in favor of implementing renewable evergy sources by passing important legislastion. Tax credits will be the tool they will most likely use to encourage alternative energy companies to grow.
According to the report biofuels and wind energy will continue to lead to pack until 2012 partly because biofuels are just about in full swing, and wind energy seems to be the most economical mass scale renewable source of energy we can institute as of yet.