I was just hired by this alternative energy website to do some blogging for them. So here is some information that they have provided regarding ethanol:
"During a time when gasoline and ethanol prices are already so high, refueling more often can become very costly. Another issue is that e85 ethanol gas stations are not that prevalent. Of the 176,000 gas stations in the country, only about 800 sell E85. Until more ethanol stations spring up, people would have to map routes when traveling, just so they could refuel. The head of market development at the American Coalition for Ethanol, Ron Lamberty says, "If you're concerned about emissions, you should use E85. If you want to make sure the money you spend is circulated through the American economy rather than some South American or Middle Eastern country, the choice is E85."
So where does the average American who purchases an ethanol friendly SUV stand? Why go through the heartache and extra troubles? Is it really worth it? Hmmm...It is better for the environment, it can always be filled with regular gasoline, and it is renewable. Works for me!"
Source: http://www.energyrefuge.com/archives/ethanol_reduces_mpg.htm, 2007
Is there a map where those fuels sites are available across the country or in various regions? Also, to I have to have my Sportage reequipped to accomodate that type of fuel? How expensive it is? What type of mileage does ti get? Does that new website answer those kinds of questions? Just wondering....DesertDeb
Desertdeb, you can go to http://www.e85fuel.com to see if your automobile can run on E85.
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